Training - Industrial tribunal litigation how to anticipate and manage litigation

Avoiding labour disputes is an important issue for employers.

Whether to avoid financial penalties or to limit the difficulties in terms of organisation and the burden that a judicial procedure can represent, employers must be sure to anticipate the risks and to limit them as much as possible.

In order to anticipate the consequences that may arise from a lawsuit, our team explains the key points of the industrial tribunal procedure and helps you to prepare your employees' files as well as possible.


Know the procedure before the Employment Tribunal

Anticipate risks in the event of a labour dispute

Implement the remedies chosen


Whether you are a business manager, human resources manager or a jurist within a company, this training may be right for you.

Training pre-programme

1) Introduction

2) Acting in advance of a breach of employment contract in an appropriate manner: using disciplinary power wisely

3) The reason for the dismissal: key element of the dispute

4) Mastering the implementation of the dismissal procedure for personal reasons

5) Identifying the industrial tribunal risk in cases other than dismissal

6) The procedure inherent to the industrial tribunal

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