Our offers and services

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All our services

From advice to litigation, including the implementation of ad hoc procedures: Axel Avocats offers you its expertise in the fields of employment law and social security law.

Axel Avocats is also involved in the process of internal company investigations, assisting clients with the proper organisation of the investigation or acting as an investigator.

Droit du travail

Employment law

  • Help in choosing the type of contract (fixed-term, permanent, temporary, subsidised contracts)
  • Drafting contracts and amendments
  • Help in choosing the employee's classification
  • Drafting specific clauses (fixed and variable pay, working hours, exclusivity, non-competition, confidentiality, intellectual property)
  • Executives and corporate officers (combination of employment contract and corporate office, delegation of powers, termination of contract, corporate office, etc.)

Working hours

  • Determination of appropriate working hours and drafting of specific clauses (part-time, fixed annual number of days/fixed annual number of hours, on-call duty, etc.)
  • Documents for monitoring working hours (annual performance review, working hours statement, etc.)
  • Drafting of collective agreements and charters relating to working time (organisation of working time, teleworking, right to disconnect, etc.)

Redundancy and termination of employment contracts

  • Redundancy for personal or economic reasons (individual or collective, with or without PSE)
  • Individual contractual termination
  • Collective redundancy agreement
  • Termination of employment contract or judicial termination
  • Resignation
  • Negotiations and settlement

Reorganisation and restructuring

  • Drafting of documentation relevant to employment contracts (economic memorandum and PSE)
  • Management and consultation of employee representatives and experts
  • Management of internal and external communication
  • Transfer of employment contracts - application of L1224-1 of the Labour Code or transfer by agreement

Politique de rémunération

  • Variable remuneration/commissions, target-based bonuses (bonus plan)
  • Employee savings (profit-sharing, PEE/PEI employee savings plans, shares/stock options/AGA)
  • Bonus or retention bonus, long-term incentive programmes (LTIP)
  • Benefits in kind

Égalité professionnelle

  • Equality in the workplace (gender pay/equality index)

Employee representatives/ CSE

  • Organisation of professional elections
  • Electoral disputes
  • Recurrent or ad hoc information and consultation
  • Operation of the CSE and its committees (CSSCT, professional equality, etc.)
  • Management of trade union organisations within the company

Collective relations and collective bargaining

  • Negotiations with trade union delegates (NAO or ad hoc negotiations)
  • Non-standard negotiations without a trade union representative (mandated employees, CSE, employee referendum, etc.)
  • Drafting internal documentation (internal regulations, compulsory posters, charters, collective agreements)
  • Management of procedures for terminating collective agreements, practices and unilateral undertakings
  • Drafting internal social policies/procedures (paid leave, absences or sickness, travel policies/compulsory benefits, rest periods, etc.)
  • Drafting of relevant charters (teleworking, right to disconnect, whistleblower reporting procedure, etc.)
  • Employee appraisal process
  • Professional interviews

Protection of health and safety at work and duty of care

  • Drafting of mandatory documents (internal regulations, mandatory posters, whistleblowing charter, sexual harassment charter) or optional documents (social policy, charter of good conduct, ethics charter, recruitment guides and kits/handbooks)
  • Specific health and safety support (medical conditions, illness, pregnancy/maternity leave, etc.)
  • Declaration/contestation of recognition of occupational illness or accident (AT/MP)
  • Risk analysis in terms of inexcusable fault

Senior executives

  • Negotiations on joining or leaving the company
  • Analysis of the contractual situation (concurrent employment contract/corporate office)
  • Choice of status according to the type of company envisaged
  • Impact on entitlement to unemployment benefit

Social security law

Social security law and social protection

  • Health, provident and pension schemes (due to collective agreements, information notices)
  • Management of relations with social security bodies/CPAM (health insurance, CIPAV, MSI/SSI, etc.)
  • Management of occupational illnesses and accidents
  • Litigation relating to inexcusable fault

URSSAF audit

  • Discussions with URSSAF
  • Appeals to the Commission de Recours Amiable (Amicable Appeals Commission)
  • Litigation before the Social Division of the Court of First Instance and the Court of Appeal
  • Opposition to enforcement orders
  • Relations with bailiffs/court officials
  • Requests for payment plans/debt rescheduling


  • Risk analysis and costing
  • Negotiations and settlements
  • Representation before the relevant courts (industrial tribunal, administrative court, labour division of the judicial court, court of appeal, etc.).
  • Drafting of motions, submissions and any other useful documents
  • Labour inspection
  • Pleadings
  • Support in enforcing decisions handed down


  • Analysis of practices and risks associated with URSSAF audits (recovery managers, company social policy)
  • Social audits before or after reorganisation
  • Social audits excluding reorganisation

Internal survey

  • Drafting reporting and investigation policies
  • Conducting investigation procedures (moral or sexual harassment, discrimination, unequal treatment, unequal pay, suffering at work, etc.)
  • Helping to implement internal investigation procedures

Our method

If you would like more information about the operating method used at the Cabinet, you can consult it by following this link: a method adapted to your constraints.

Any doubts or questions?

The choice of your deliverable matters

We offer several types of deliverable.

Email, consultation, legal or practical memos... The choice is yours!
You can see all our types of deliverables on our dedicated page.
We also offer deliverables in English.

For more information, let's talk!

All our services

Whether you have a one-off need or require ongoing support for issues in our areas of expertise (employment law, social security law, litigation and internal investigations), we have the solution for you. Our aim is to provide real follow-up and special support for all the assignments you entrust to us.

Each of our offers is unique and allows for personalised support!

The "Classic" offer

The Classic offer is designed for professionals and companies with one-off, short-term or specific needs. The aim is to concentrate our efforts on a very precise mission..

The "Investigation" offer

If you receive a report of moral or sexual harassment or suffering at work, for example, it is imperative that you carry out an internal investigation. With the "Investigation" package, you can call on our services to ensure that the actions you take are compliant.

The "Audit" offer

You need an analysis or assessment of your practices in the fields of employment law and social security law. The "Audit" offer will enable you to receive personalised advice and recommendations on all subjects relating to our areas of expertise.

The "Litigation" offer

The Litigation offer provides support for all litigation cases, before all the courts involved in our areas of expertise. No more stress about the timetable, you'll have peace of mind thanks to our monitoring method.


A monthly subscription is designed for professionals and businesses with recurring, long-term needs in employment law and social security law.

With this option, you decide! We adapt to your needs in terms of the volume of legal support, with a minimum of 2 hours per month. What's more, thanks to the subscription, you'll benefit from a preferential rate to thank you for your loyalty.

Our fees according to our offers

The Classic package

I have access to all the firm's services according to my needs *

No time commitment

I will be billed €300 per hour excluding VAT

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L'offre Contentieux

Services agreed with the firm

No time commitment

I will be invoiced per assignment

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The Investigation offer

I have access to the Firm's services to conduct an internal investigation

No time commitment

I will be invoiced per assignment

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Services are defined according to my needs

Renewable 12-month commitment of 2 hours per month

I will be billed €250 per hour excluding VAT

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The Audit offer

Services defined with the firm

No time commitment

I will be invoiced per assignment

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Our fee agreement

The fee agreement is agreed at our first meeting.
We will analyse your needs and estimate the amount of time required to provide the service you require.

When and how do you pay us?

Once our assignment has been approved and the fee agreement signed, our fees must be paid on the agreed date. Our preferred method of payment is by bank transfer, using the bank details we will send you.

Please note: Payments must be made on receipt of each invoice, and at the latest within 30 days of receipt, with the exception of advance payments, which must be made immediately. Failure to do so will activate our dunning procedure.

Payment of a deposit

You will be asked to pay a deposit at the start of each assignment. This depends on the estimated final amount of the assignment.

We will not start work until we have received the deposit.

Our dunning procedure

If we do not receive your payment within four months of receipt of our invoice, we will be obliged to initiate collection proceedings.

You will be liable for the following costs as a result of these measures:

Prendre RDV