Training - End of the employment contract

The end of the employment agreement is an essential step in the life of a company.

Knowing the rules governing the procedure and the points to look out for that need to be anticipated makes it possible to limit the risks of subsequent disputes and the levels of court judgment.

Our team can discuss with you the different ways of terminating the employment contract.


Know the different ways of terminating the employment contract.

Calculate and understand the compensation to be paid in connection with the termination.

Anticipate classic litigation topics to limit risks.

Who can benefit?

Whether you are a business manager, human resources manager or a jurist within a company, this training may be right for you.

Example of the topics most often covered during these training courses

1) Introduction

2) The different ways of terminating the employment contract

At the initiative of the employer

At the initiative of the employee

Amicable termination of the contract

3) Consequences of termination of the employment contract

The documents to be submitted to the employee at the end of the employment relationship

The settlement

Industrial Tribunal litigation


On site, collective agreements are also analysed beforehand to include, if necessary, the specificities related to any applicable termination procedures.

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