Training - Employment law: the essentials in six mornings

Do you and your team need to review the essential rules on labour law in the day-to-day management of your employees? Are you joining an HR team following vocational retraining or a change of position?

Faced daily with issues of labour law and employee management, our team can (re)train you in the essentials of labour law in six mornings and update you with the latest developments.

Adapted to your level and your needs, this training is intended to give you all the tools you need to succeed in your assignments.


Master the essential rules of labour law (hiring, management and termination of the employment contract)

Acquire the right reflexes when faced with the most common situations encountered in human resources

Get practical advice from our experienced team

Discuss and debate the main issues that you may encounter


Whether you are a business manager, human resources manager or a jurist within a company, this training may be right for you.

This training is also open to people undergoing vocational retraining or who wish to specialise in their new role.

Topics covered on this training course

Morning 1: Hiring: choosing the right employment contract/formalities related to hiring

Morning 2: Employee medical follow-up: medical examinations/medical follow-up/employers' obligations

Morning 3: Remuneration (fixed and variable)/benefits in kind (restaurant tickets, company/service vehicle, etc.)

Morning 4: Working time, paid holidays, remote working

Morning 5: The other players: the CSE and the Labour Inspectorate

Morning 6: Termination of the employment contract and the employer's disciplinary power


In-company, all training will be adapted to your needs, your scope of intervention, and your collective agreement.

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